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We love your pets, just like you do
(03­)­ 5278­ 5400


20% off desexing during July!

We are offering a MASSIVE 20% OFF the regular price of desexing during July.  

Here  are 10 reasons why YOU should desex YOUR pet: 

1) Male cats that have not been desexed mark their territory – your house – by spraying urine on walls and furnishings.

2) They roam greater than 5km in search of female cats, crossing busy roads and often getting hit by cars.  In an attempt to defend their “territory”, male cats will aggressively attack other cats and even dogs, often ending up with wounds and abscesses themselves.

3) Bites from other cats spread the feline AIDs virus. 25% of stray cats in this area carry this virus.

4) Female cats that have not been desexed come into heat several times a year. They become more vocal, demandingly affectionate and attempt to wander off whereby they are extremely good at getting pregnant.

5) Female dogs that have not been desexed usually come into heat twice a year. This is accompanied by approximately 1 week of vaginal bleeding and they need to be separated from male dogs for 3 weeks.

6) Mammary tumors are very common in female dogs and cats that have not been desexed. In dogs, 50% of these are malignant (spread to other parts of body). In cats an alarming 80% are malignant. Mammary tumors are hormonally influenced and spaying your pet young almost eliminates their occurrence.

7) Testicular cancers occur commonly in male dogs. Ovarian cancer occurs less frequently in female dogs and cats but 50% are malignant. Vaginal and vulvar tumors are also hormonally influenced.

8) Male dogs that have not been desexed always develop enlarged prostate glands with age. This can lead to trouble urinating, constipation and perineal hernias – ruptures of the muscle around the anus.

9) Older female dogs that have not been desexed commonly get a condition known as pyometra or “pus filled uterus”. This is life-threatening condition and requires emergency surgery.

10) Male dogs that have not been desexed are more likely to display aggression towards other dogs and more likely to challenge the “pecking order” in your home.

BONUS REASON:  Council registration fees are higher for non-desexed dogs and cats.

All this can be prevented or greatly minimised by desexing your pet – BOOK THEM IN TODAY

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